Freckles on face- Causes, Symptoms and treatmentFreckles are small flat brown marks arising on the face and other sun exposed. Learn about freckles prevention and treatment, try to find natural home remedies to fadefreckles.
Lemon juice is very useful against freckles, for many years and has shown excellent results treat freckles, or any other type of skin discoloration.It was noted that it is not always necessary to rub the skin with a piece of lemon. Even if the lemon juice is applied over.The affection of the skin with your fingers will serve and show good results.
Proper Vitamin supplements is also helpful for treatment of freckles skin.Individuals suffering from freckles should increase the intake of Vitamin C.
Due to Vitamin C present in adequate amount in the body, the skin becomes
less sensitive to the sun and hence less melanin deposition occurs.
The food rich in Vitamin C includes Oranges, grapes, apples, etc.
Due to Vitamin C present in adequate amount in the body, the skin becomes
less sensitive to the sun and hence less melanin deposition occurs.
The food rich in Vitamin C includes Oranges, grapes, apples, etc.