History of Pakistan in Urdu

It was unthinkable that the Muslims of Indo-Pak Subcontinent will be able to exercise their religion with freedom under the British rule and the over powering Hindus. This religious freedom for the Muslims and other minorities was the main idea behind the foundation of Pakistan. But unfortunately, right after the foundation, some factors turned against the main idea of the foundation of Pakistan. They very slowly penetrated like a parasite into the system, which was in its developing stages and started to squeeze the benefits out of it, when the other group was enjoying the blessing of freedom they earned after so many struggles. They forgot to protect what they have rightfully earned. Before the establishment of Pakistan, the political beginnings of the Muslims of Indo-Pak Subcontinent were not at all promising.
Maharaja Ranjit Singh made his own Sikh Empire. This empire included Indian Punjab, Pakistani Punjab, Kashmir, Khaiber Pakhtuoonkha and Gilgit Baltistan. But after his demise the British captured his empire. Then Dr. Muhammad Iqbal played a significant role in the history of Pakistan. In 1926, he was elected as the member of Punjab Legislative Assembly. He was the main leader of the freedom movement for the Muslims of Indo-Pak Subcontinent. In 1931, he participated in a round table conference and represented the Muslims of the subcontinent. In short by giving the Ideology of Pakistan he gave the Muslims of Indo-Pak Subcontinent a new hope for life.
In the middle and later part of the 19th century, the Muslims of the subcontinent developed a thinking of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan which was to enhance the knowledge and educational ability rather than enter into politics. Nevertheless, with the passage of time the Muslim movements faced ups and downs till in 1906 when a very strong political party named Muslim League came into being. This year was the point of new historical beginning for the Muslims. However, in the start Muslim League was also not very effective till when Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah joined it. This gave another rise in the hatred of Hindus for Muslims. The slogans like “India for Indians” proved their status as enemies for the Muslims. Only Gandhi was better of all the Hindu leaders and he supported all the demands of Muslims on behalf of the Indians and presented the concept of freedom of India from the British rule.
The hatred of Hindus for Muslims was increasing day by day and it was do or die situation for the Muslims. Then in 1940 the Resolution of Pakistan was passed in Punjab Assembly. On the other hand, due to a conspiracy of Lord Mount Baton and the Hindus in 1947, an unjustified division of the land was done and Pakistan came into being after all the difficulties and hardships.